Donate to LARC's Annual Appeal image

Donate to LARC's Annual Appeal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Help us match $4,000 this Giving Tuesday!

As the trees become bare, and the days become shorter, we look forward to sharing special moments with our family and friends to celebrate the upcoming Holidays. Gatherings, parties, shopping, reminiscing, goodwill, spiritual reflection… these are the things we all begin to think about.

As we look back on 2023, we are very proud to share with you just a few of the important accomplishments we have made this year, which are only possible through the generosity of donors like you.

First, we renovated most of our 11 residential homes, which included new flooring throughout, upgrades & repairs as needed, as well as fresh paint throughout. These homes are where many of our clients live – where they develop meaningful relationships and form families of their own. This not only includes their housemates but also the staff that provide mission-critical services; giving them the opportunity to thrive and become more independent. Perhaps the greatest reward following these renovations has been the infectious smiles and heart-warming comments as they returned to see the completed work.

Second, we are taking steps to prepare for the future and redesign our facilities so that we can adapt to the ever-changing world in which we live. LARC remains committed to supporting its clients, regardless of their individual choices and preferences in defining their definition of a meaningful day. For some, this may include preparing them to work and engage in the community. For others, this may include making accommodations for our older clients who are at that period in life when thoughts of retirement enter their minds. While we receive funding from the state for day-to-day operations and for our basic residential needs, it can be a struggle to finance the “extras”.

Without the generosity of our extended family, much of what we do would not be possible. We truly appreciate and celebrate you!

Please consider making a donation this season to LARC. We realize that inflation has taken its toll on us all. Your gift, no matter the size, will assist us in providing additional support and opportunities to our clients to learn, grow, and celebrate. If you are unable to donate this year, we invite you to please consider sharing your time and talents. Do you have a particular interest or skill? Would you like to join a committee? Please let us know and we can try to match you with a need.

Our promise to you is that we will be good stewards of your generosity.

We have included a remittance envelope in hopes that you will support LARC with your tax-deductible contribution. You may also visit our website at to make your donation via credit card

Your belief in our mission is the foundation upon which we build a brighter future for those we serve. Together, we can create lasting change that resonates far beyond this year.

Again, thank you for sharing our commitment to pave pathways for the individuals we support so they may become confident, curious, and productive members of our community.

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and meaningful Holiday season!

-Your LARC Family